Friday, November 14, 2014


Hey y'all!  I thought I'd share a few teaser photos of some recipes that I've  made and which will be forthcoming on the blog.  Feast your eyes...
My husband is holding the challah in the first photo.  That's a fun one to bake!  I know that my cake baking and decorating skills leave a bit to be desired, but it's a process!  Look for these recipes to be on the blog soon!!
<3, Meg

Fiddle Faddle! {The 411 on Self Rising Flour}

"Fiddle faddle!" Yep.  That's probably what you say to yourself when you realize that your recipe calls for self rising flour.  You tear through your pantry searching for the elusive powdery substance...alas, you have all purpose flour!  Fiddle faddle indeed.
But wait!  Call now and you'll receive exclusive self rising flour!
NO!!!  Self rising flour is easy peasy!  Trust this girl.  Please.  I used to think that self rising flour was a special, contrived mixture only available for purchase on a shelf.  HA!  Did you know that you can make it yourself??
Easy as can be, people.  And it calls for only three ingredients.  Three!  You probably already have them in your pantry that is now a mess. (See first paragraph)  Those ingredients are:
Flour (yes, all purpose!)
Baking Powder
That's right, there's no special powdered ram's horn or something crazy like that.  It's incredibly simple.  The recipe is as follows:

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

Just stir it all together and PRESTO!  You have self rising flour.  Really!  Most of the baking that I do will require more self rising flour than the recipe above yields, so I just triple or even quadruple it.  No biggie.

For the Novice Baker:  A Word About Baking Powder

Baking POWDER is totally different from baking SODA.  If you mix them up in your recipe, your result may be...well, icky.  :(  So, let's pay attention and not bake gross stuff! 

Happy Baking!
<3, Meg

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Welcome to the Kitchen!

Hello and welcome to Meg's Test Kitchen!  I am so pleased that you're here, and I hope that this will be a helpful resource to you for recipes and other ideas that reach beyond the kitchen.  :D 
I am primarily a baker, but I'm venturing quite boldly into other areas of cooking with the help of a Better Homes and Gardens  cookbook.  Seriously, it's like kitchen scripture! 
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find a recipe worth trying.
<3,  Meg